
Riot Girl Boston


We decided to start this page up to let everyone know that riot girl Boston is still active. We are in the planning stages of setting up a riot girl convention in Boston in late Aug. 99'.

Meetings will be held every other Sunday at 2:30pm at Hazel's Cafe,which is located across the street from Back Bay T stop (Orange and Purple lines) and next to the Copley Mall in Boston MA( the next one will be held on Oct.25th, due to the holiday of the weekend after that). Anyone interested in helping is welcome to come.

To get in touch with someone from riot girl Boston, click on the person's name**NOTE-the names aren't in any kind of order of ''importance'' or anything, just the order in which i received permission to put them up*:

**Jen ** Gilly ** Catherine ** Jodi **

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Boston riot grrrls.

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